Do you love ice cream?! Then here comes the healthiest alternative!
NICECREAM , the sweetest temptation, since there are bananas.

Eat bananas was yesterday, Today you mix up Nice Cream!

The creamy ice from frozen banana is rich in vitamins, Minerals and trace elements, saturates, is quick to prepare and provides a lot of energy for mind and body. The perfect complement for all, who want to eat healthy and balanced. Innately vegan, free from additives and industrial sugar, low fat, lactose-, gluten-, Soy-, and animal suffering free, it's definitely worth a sin without remorse.

Your advantages to conventional ice cream:
health: Without dairy products, Owner, preservatives, Industriezucker!
environment: No unnecessary packaging!
compassion: Sin without remorse, both hips, Environment and Animals!
Time: quickly mixed, no ice machine!
quickly mixed, no ice machine!
Sin without remorse
For hips and animals!
Zucker-, fat- and animal suffering free
Vegan, healthy with happiness guarantee!
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Zucker-, fat- and animal suffering free

animal suffering free
Sin without remorse, for hips and Animals!

makes happy
Vegan, healthy with happiness guarantee!
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