orange-fenchel-brennnessel-nicecream / 1 posts found


by san-4-art
orange-fenchel-brennnessel-nicecream 6 frozen bananas, 20 g Brennnessel, 4 Drops of orange oil +, 20 g Fenchel und 2 Pour a tablespoon of maple syrup into the blender and mix. Da Wildkräuter eher etwas bitter schmecken, wirken die Tropfen Orangennöl sehr erfrischend und fruchtig frisch. Das Orangenöl+ verleiht dem Eis was ganz besonderes, einzigartiges, unvergessliches. You should definitely pay attention to the quality of the essential oils used. These need to be eaten (as a dietary supplement) be approved. I order my oils in Young Living and am more than convinced of the high quality of the oils. To order, you must create an account: You can with your […]