sharp-chocolate cream-nice / 1 posts found

sharp-chocolate cream-nice

by san-4-art
sharp-chocolate cream-nice 6 frozen bananas, 6 the Kakaopulver, 1 El Erdnussmus, 1 Tl Chili, 4 EL maple syrup enter in the blender and blend. Have fun cooking and eating. Vanillesoße Zutaten 70 g Cashewkerne 25 g BOBEI BOBEI -Backen ohne Butter und Ei von PureRaw 15 g Kokosblütenzucker 5 g Lucumapulver 1/2 TL Vanillepulver 1 Prise Salz ca. 180 ml of water, lauwarm Zubereitung Alle Zutaten in den Mixer geben und ca. 1-2 Minute mix until a creamy custard arises. The recipe for the gluten-free waffles can be found on my blog: glutenfreie Backofenwaffeln *Werbung