erdnuss-tahini-nicecream mit Dattelkaramell

6 frozen bananas, 20 g Tahini, 100 g Erdnussmus in den Mixer geben und mixen. Mit dem Dattelkaramell garnieren und mit frischem Obst dekorieren. Have fun cooking and eating.



100 g dates
100 ml of water
10 g Kokosöl
2 El Mandelmus
1/2 Tl Vanillepulver
2 Tl Mesquitepulver
1 Tl Baobabpulver
pinch of salt
1 Drops of orange oil +.


Put all ingredients in the blender and ca. 1-2 Minuten mixen bis eine cremige Soße entsteht.

You should definitely pay attention to the quality of the essential oils used.
These need to be eaten (as a dietary supplement) be approved.
I order my oils in Young Living and am more than convinced of the high quality of the oils.
To order, you must create an account:
You can login to your username, Password and my ID 11846021 login and then order. Thus you will save 24% and always have a contact person, If you have questions about the oils.


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