lucky nice cream

3 frozen bananas, 500 g gefrorene Pineapple, 2 The Dattelcream (Dates mixed with water), 30 g The coconut herd, 2 Add a drop of Orange+ and a pinch of vanilla to the blender, mix and enjoy.

Orange+ brings a fruity note to the nice cream. Der Duft von Orange zaubert dir einfach ein Lächeln auf die Lippen und bringt gute Laune.
You should definitely pay attention to the quality of the essential oils used.
These need to be eaten (as a dietary supplement) be approved.

I order my oils in Young Living and am more than convinced of the high quality of the oils.

To order, you must create an account:

You can login to your username, Password and my ID 11846021 login and then order. Thus you will save 24% and always have a contact person, If you have questions about the oils.


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